Server Maintenance Complete

Posted 1 month ago


Maintenance is now Complete. We apologize for the inconvenience. We are planning to release big updates every 2 to 3 weeks.


The Phantom of Crimson Blood Collection should now give Reward.

-Added Magic Pop to NPC Dark Traveler's Assistant
-Fixed Race Switch Scroll where switching from EU to CH will cause all CH Magical Mastery not to appear

-There are two types of Seal of Moon items. Regular SoM and Basic SoM.
-Basic Seal of Moon Items can be purchased from NPC. It cannot be traded,dropped or upgraded to Seal of Sun. However, it can be upgraded to become a regular Seal of Moon.

-New Item: Basic Ritual Stone. 

-SoSun items enabled.
-There are two types of Sun items. Regular SoSun and Chained SoSun.
-Chained Sosun can be obtained by upgrading your Seal of Moon items using upgrade stones.
-Regular SoSun are dropped by monsters and can be traded.
-Chained SoSun items are not tradeable/marketable.

-Advanced Ritual Stone enabled.
-Advanced Ritual Stone purchased from NPC is untradeable.
-Advanced Ritual Stone obtained from monsters can be traded.

-Added Sabakun's Scroll. Can be purchased from NPC or Drill Hall Unique monster Drop
--Gather required materials and fuse to create Sabakun's Jewel
--Materials can be purchased from NPC or dropped by Royal Guard and Royal Warrior located at Drill Hall

-Key of Bloodline
--Can be purchased from NPC (Dark Traveler's Assistant)
--Can be used to enter Gate of Ruler to fight Roc

Success/Failure notice increased to +10 to avoid message spamming
Max Plus now +18 No ADV / +20 with ADV

-Survival Arena
--location moved to Desert Arena (Previously: Colosseum)

-Calendar (Starts August 22. Ends September 30)
--New Rewards

-War of Leagues
--Should now give reward to Top five winners

Passive Buff Rewards:
Fixed Weekly AP Buff - Top 10 Weekly AP (Resets every sunday 12am)

Top 3 Players will now receive a complimentary buff. 
-script is ran every 12am daily. meaning, the top 3 players at 12am will get the buff. 

-Ferries now have a 2 minute cooldown when wearing a jobsuit
-Goods now cost an extra 1 Activity Point to purchase
-Goods Max stack set to 1
-Trader gains 2 AP for every sell (Previously: 1 AP)
-AP Limit increased (100 Daily / 400 Weekly)

-New: Gorgon - spawns at Drill Hall Middle every 5 to 8 hours.
-New: Devil Shaitan - spawns at Drill Hall and during Roc spawn

-Updated Quest Rewards 

It is still disabled. We are planning to bring it back maybe next week or the next update (2 to 3 weeks from now).

There maybe bugs lurking. Please report if you find anything. Thank you! :)